Parking studies are an important part of transportation planning because they help policymakers understand parking demand and utilisation patterns in a specific location. A thorough parking study, which can be undertaken for a specific traffic generator or attractor or over a larger region, such as a central business district, often focuses on gathering data on the capacity and utilisation of current parking facilities. These studies aid in identifying parking demand and provide insight into the parking infrastructure required to handle the problem.
Our services include parking studies that compare the volume of vehicles parked on the street to those parked off-street in designated parking lots, hospitals, clinics, and other locations that provide parking. It gathers data on parking demand and usage trends with the help of various methods, such as manual data collection, technological devices, or video recording. We engage qualified individuals to assure the accuracy of data collection, resulting in precise and dependable data insights.
The obtained data is then analysed statistically to discover parking demand and patterns, such as peak parking times and average parking duration. The information gained from parking study analysis can be used to create solutions that encourage better parking management and alleviate traffic congestion. For example, the data can help transportation planners identify regions with high parking demand and advocate the building of extra parking facilities or the creation of a parking management strategy to encourage the use of alternate means of transportation.
Parking studies are an important aspect of transportation planning because they help policymakers determine parking demand and usage patterns and devise measures to promote better parking management. Our services provide precise and dependable data collection and analysis approaches that contribute to more informed transportation planning decisions.